Iko Uwais, 14 Emas Pencak Silat di Asian Games dan Wiro Sableng

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/IKO/IKO?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ Iko Uwais, 14 Emas Pencak Silat di Asian Games dan Wiro Sableng  2018-08-31
  - Iko Uwais, 14 Emas Pencak Silat di Asian Games dan Wiro Sableng  Detikcom (Siaran Pers) 【 https://hot.detik.com/movie/4191381/iko-uwais-14-emas-pencak-silat-di-asian-games-dan-wiro-sableng 】
  - Berminggu-minggu Tak Pulang, Ini Cara Iko Uwais Melepas Rindu  News Akurat (Siaran Pers) 【 http://akurat.co/hiburan/id-302422-read-bermingguminggu-tak-pulang-ini-cara-iko-uwais-melepas-rindu 】
◎ Iko Uwais Masih Ingin Kerja Bareng Gareth Evans 'The Raid'  2018-08-30
  - Iko Uwais Masih Ingin Kerja Bareng Gareth Evans 'The Raid'  CNN Indonesia 【 https://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20180830133405-220-326151/iko-uwais-masih-ingin-kerja-bareng-gareth-evans-the-raid 】
◎ Lauren Cohan and Iko Uwais on 'Mile 22' and Working with a Director Who Rarely Calls Cut  2018-08-17
  - Lauren Cohan and Iko Uwais on 'Mile 22' and Working with a Director Who Rarely Calls Cut  Collider.com 【 http://collider.com/lauren-cohan-iko-uwais-interview-mile-22/ 】
  - Iko Uwais almost makes 'Mile 22' worth it  The Daily Gazette 【 https://dailygazette.com/article/2018/08/17/iko-uwais-almost-makes-mile-22-worth-it 】
  - One Big Mile 22 Fight That Felt Like A Dance For Iko Uwais  Cinema Blend 【 https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2455722/mile-22s-big-fight-felt-like-a-dance-for-iko-uwais 】
  - Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg aim to have fun — and a franchise — with Mile 22  EW.com (blog) 【 https://ew.com/movies/2018/08/15/mark-wahlberg-peter-berg-mile-22/ 】
◎ Elfström får lämna IKO – som hoppas på Björn Karlsson  2018-08-30
  - Elfström får lämna IKO – som hoppas på Björn Karlsson  Barometern-OT 【 http://www.barometern.se/sport/elfstrom-far-lamna-iko-som-hoppas-pa-bjorn-karlsson/ 】
◎ Mile 22  2018-08-24
  - Mile 22  Times of India 【 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/english/movie-reviews/mile-22/movie-review/65522628.cms 】
  - 'Mile 22' movie review: An action movie with no substance  The New Indian Express 【 http://www.newindianexpress.com/entertainment/review/2018/aug/25/mile-22-movie-review-an-action-movie-with-no-substance-1862378.html 】

